
Bon Echo Alpha3 Milestone Released (firefox2)

Bon Echo Alpha 3 is the third developer milestone focused on testing the core functionality provided by many new features and changes to the platform scheduled for Firefox 2. Ongoing planning for Firefox 2 can be followed at the Bon Echo Planning Center, as well as in and on in #bonecho.

New features and changes in this milestone that require feedback include:

Built in Anti-Phishing protection.
Search suggestions now appear with search history in the search box for Google and Yahoo!
Support for client-side session and persistent storage.
And please continue to test out these other features which are new from previous Bon Echo releases:

Changes to tabbed browsing behavior
Search plugin manager for removing and re-ordering search engines
Better support for previewing and subscribing to web feeds
New microsummaries feature for bookmarks
Inline spell checking in text boxes
Automatic restoration of your browsing session if there is a crash
New combined and improved Add-Ons manager for extensions and themes
Extended search plugin format
Updates to the extension system to provide enhanced security and to allow for easier localization of extensions
Support for SVG text using svg:textPath
The Bon Echo start page has also been changed to make it easier for testers to provide feedback and report bugs.

Bon Echo Alpha 3 ? Firefox 2 ????????,????????????????????????? Firefox 2 ??????? Bon Echo ?????,?? ? #bonecho ???


? Google ? Yahoo! ??????????????
?????? session ?????????

????????? Bon Echo ???????:

? Feed ????????
???? svg:textPath ? SVG ??
Bon Echo ???????????????????

Windows (5.3 MB)
Mac OS X Universal Binary (17 MB)
Linux (8.8 MB)

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