
Soal Simulasi UNBK Bahasa Inggris Tingkat SMP/MTs Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.

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Berikut ini kami berbagi Soal Simulasi UNBK Bahasa Inggris Tingkat SMP/MTs Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.

Chooce the correct anwers a, b, c, or d!

Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2.
Dear Kartika
Our sincere Congratulations on your success as The Best Washington City Journalist  2020. This will support you to write more articles. The manager and staff of Moonlight Publisher

1. What does Kartika do? She is a �
A. Staff         
B. Manager     
C. Journalist       
D. Publisher

2. The text is written in order to �
A. Congratulate Kartika on her success     
B. Tell people to congratulate Kartika
C. Inform people about the best journalist  
D. Invite people to come to the Moonlight publisher

Read the caution and answer questions 3 to 6.


3. What is the caution about?
A. The volcanoes and their effect                                     
B. The danger of volcanic fumes  
C. The women and their children�s health                       
D. The pregnant visitors of the mountain

4. Visitors with breathing problems are not allowed to visit the area because �
A. the fumes can make them difficult to breathe   
B. the fumes can enter the human�s lung               
C. it is very tiring to climb the volcan
D. certain people cannot breathe well

5. Where do you usually find such a caution?
A. At all public places with non domestic visitors   
B. On all the mountains with few visitors
C. Any places visited by tourists                            
D. At the volcanoes for tourist resorts

6. ��. are hazardous to your health �
What does the underlined word in the sentence mean?
A. Dreadful    
B. Dangerous   
C. Uneasy    
D. Serious

Read the text and answer questions 7 to 9.
It was Sunday morning December 26th 2020. The day that I would never forget forever. We went to the beach in Meulaboh, Aceh. Many people were there when I arrived.

When we were enjoying the beautiful sunrise, suddenly we were shocked by a violent shake in the ground. Everybody in the beach was panic. We soon realized that it was a very big earthquake although it struck in a very short period of time.

After that, we saw the water going on into the middle of the sea. No wonder if there were many kinds of fish left behind on the sand. We all seemed to be astonished by the view until we realized that there was a huge wave coming towards us and destroying everything in its way. I didn�t realize what had happened until I found myself hanging on a branch of a tree.

7. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. The writer saw many fish on the sand               
B. The writer liked to see the wave in the sea
C. The view of the beach was very exciting           
D. Tsunami occurred and destroyed everything

8. Everybody in the beach was panic because �
A. The sun rose brightly                                         
B. The beach was very enjoyable
C. There was an earthquake                                   
D. There was an amazing view in the sea

9. �We all seemed to be astonished by � .�
The underlined word has the same meaning with �
A. Panicked                        
B.  Amazed                 
C. Delighted                
D. Pleased

Read the letter below to answer questions 10 to 14.

Dear Geet Handa,
We are having a great a holiday here on the Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to the Movie World. When we got up in the morning, it looked like rain. After a while the cloud disappeared. And it became a sunny day. We then decide to go to the Movie World.

The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy show. After that I had lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for the Batman ride.

About one o�clock we got a light shower of rain but it cleared up soon after. We then went on all the other rides. It was a top day. See you when you get back.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Ma�an Kurana

10.What is the letter about?
A. Ma�an Kurana�s holiday                                                
B. The Movie World
C. The Gold Coast                                                              
D. The Shower of Rain

11.What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. The weather in Gold Coast                               
B. Sam�s activities in the Movie World
C. Police Academy Show                                      
D. A great holiday in the Movie World

12.Where did Sam spend his holiday with his family?
A. On the Gold Coast                                            
B. In Lethal Weapon
C. In the Movie World                                           
D. At the Police Academy

13.What did they get at one o�clock?
A. Lunch                            
B. Shower                   
C. A little rain             
D. Batman ride

14. The word �we� in the text refers to�
A. Sam and Nan     
B. Sam and Mum        
C. Mum and Kelly                  
D. Sam, Mum, and Kelly

15.  Anne : Are you sure all the garbage is easy to destroy?
      Marry :. .......... The garbage like plastics is difficult to destroy.
A. No, I doubt about it        
B. I�m sure
C. yes, certainty                   
D. I don't doubt it

Tamrin : Hey, don�t you know that we have a school bus now?
Firman : Are you certain?
Tamrin :. ........... The headmaster himself told me.
A. Yes, of course    
B. I doubt it
C. I�m not sure         
D. it�s possible

Read the text and answer questions 17 to 22.

Fruits are a source of nourishing substances that keep us alive and healthy. For example, they contain many vitamins, especially vitamins A and C, and many minerals, such as calcium, potassium, and zinc. They also provide fiber for a healthy digestive system and carbohydrates that the body needs to make energy. They don�t have a lot of calories to make us fat.

People use fruits for many things. We make juices from them. We cook bread and pie with them. We make jams and jellies and sweets. We freeze them to eat later. We even make alcohol from fruit. Beer comes from grains, wine comes from grapes, and some brandies are made from plums, apricots, or other fruits.

But most of the time, we don�t do anything special with fruits. We eat them fresh, just as they are!

17. What is the text about?
A. Vitamins     
B. Energy    
C. Fruits    
D. Minerals

18. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. We make juice from fruits                                              
B. Some beer and brandies are made of fruits
C. People use fruits for many things                                  
D. We freeze fruits to eat whenever we need later

19. Which substance do we need to have a healthy digestive system?
A. Vitamins            
B. Calories                  
C. Fiber                       
D. Carbohydrate

20. People can be fat because they eat a lot of � .
A. Sweets                            
B. Poultry                    
C. Cereal                     
D. avocado

21. � We freeze them to eat later.� ( par.2 )
     The word�freeze� in the sentence is similar in meaning to...
A. Liquidate           
B. Ice up                     
C. Preserve                  
D. Cool

22. �We eat them fresh, just as they are!� (last paragraph). The word �they� in the sentence refer to?
A. Fruits                 
B. Jams                        
C. Jellies                      
D. Sweets

Read the text and answer questions 23 and 24.
To. Pragiya
I just got a bad news. As you know Nita�s father is hospitalized. He passed away last night. Please forward this message to our friends.

23. Who just passed away?
A. Abhi�s father             
B. Pragiya�s friend                  
C. Nita�s father              
D. Writer�s father

24. �As you know Nita�s father is hospitalized.�
      The underlined word refers to�.
A. Abi                           
B. Pragiya                          
C. Reader                  
D. Nita�s father

Read the text to answer questions 25 to 27!

A free-from swimming pool offers a relaxing range of options; a tropical oasis which includes a lap pool and terrace bar. Sun loungers and pavilion areas create ample space for leisure and a regular program of water sports and activities is held daily.

A full-equipped gymnasium, health club and massage centre is avaible for guest use, with experienced health and fitness professionals to provide expert assistance. At poolside, the Laguna Pool Terace serves drinks and light meals throughout the day.

25. What is the text about?
A. The benefits of a hotel in Bali
B. A description of a hotel in Bali
C. An information of a hotel in Bali
D. An advertisement of a hotel in Bali

26. Where should you go if you want to get some meals?
A. At Sun loungers and pavilion terrace               
B. At a tropical oasis
C. At the Laguna Pool Terrace                             
D. At poolside

27.�� and pavilion areas create ample space for ��
The underlined word has same meaning with �
A. big                          
B. wide                                   
C. large                        
D. plenty

28.  Teacher    : Silent, please!........
       Students   : Yes, Mam.
A. Don�t be noise!                                
B. Don�t be silent!
C. Don�t be naughty!                            
D. Don�t be calm!

29.  To : Alika
Please come to my sister�s wedding anniversary!
21st October at 10 o�clock. KFC Pringsewu.       
Regrets only to 08080808.

                                 Sender: Vika

Who celebrate the wedding anniversary?
A. Vika                 
B. Alika                        
C. Vika�s sister              
D. Alika�s sister

Read the following announcement and answer questions30 to 31.

FRIDAY February 17th, 2020

There will be a girls� basketball short meeting right after school this afternoon in the school library. The meeting is expected to last around 45 minutes and finish by 5. Every member needs to be present in this important meeting.

Should anyone unable to attend the meeting, find Mr. Elder for permission and further details about the agenda. Looking forward to seeing you all in the meeting.

30. When will the meeting start?
A. Around 4.05 p.m                                   
B. At 4.50 p.m
C. At about 4.15 p.m                                 
D. At 5.00 p.m

31. What should a student do if she is not able to attend the meeting?
A. Go home                                                           
B. Ask for permission from Mr. Elder
C. Go to the library                                                
D. Let the class teacher know about her absence

For numbers 32-34
Sofie : How beautiful you are. Where are you going?
Lisa   : To my classmate�s birthday. Look at my dress. What do you think? 
Sofie : That�s a nice dress. You look (14)� in red.
Lisa   : Thanks. It�s my favorite (15) � . Most of my dress are red.

A. Bad                 
B. Ugly                       
C. Good                      
D. Worse

A. Style                
B. Colour                    
C. Fashion                   
D. Mode

34. �To my classmate�s birthday.� The bold word means�
A. Sahabat sejati                                       
B. Teman bermain
C. Saudara                                                
D. Teman sekelas

35. you � speak � can � English � ?
      1           2         3           4         5

The best arrangement is�
A. 3-1-2-4-5                                               
C. 3-4-2-1-5
B. 3-2-1-4-5                                                
D. 1-3-2-4-5

Read the dialoge and answer questions 36 to 37!
Susi : You look very happy, Tina. What happened?
Tina : Guess what? I got an �A� on my last English test.
Susi : Sorry? (36)����..It�s very noisy here. I can hardly hear you.
Tina : I said, � I got an �A� on my last English test.�
Susi : (37)���.That�s fantastic! Congratulation on your achievement!

A. What did you say?                   
B. Do you repeat that?
C. Is it important?             
D. How come?

A. Can you believe it?                  
B. Are you alright?
C. What happened?                     
D. Really?

Read the dialoge and answer questions 38 to 39!
Retno   : Did you do the test well, Eny?
Eny      : (38)����In fact, I don�t put any hope of passing this test.
Retno   : Are you serious?
Eny      : Yes. Not a single hope.
Retno   : (39)���

A. Yes, I did.                                            
B. You did it well, too
C.  I�m afraid I didn�t                              
D. The test was interesting

A. You must be happy                              
B. Don�t give hope to something
C.  You must understand                            
D. Don�t worry. Next time better

Read the text and answer questions 40 to 44.
Ica       : Anang told me that his father is going to buy him a car. Is that true?
Hadi    : (40)���he told you the truth. I heard his father said about it.
Ica       : (41)���about that?
Hadi    : Absolutely. I was there when his father mentioned about it.

A. I do                              
B. I can                                  
C. I like                       
D. I�m sure.

A. Is that so?     
B. Do you like?                                        
C. Do you agree?                                       
D. Are you sure?


We are seeking a young person for training in advertising department of a national publishing company. The job involves selling and marketing. This is an opportunity for person with strong interest in commercial world.
Write to:
Marketing Director
P.O. Box 1245. Bandung

42.What is the advertisement about?
A. How to become a trainee
B. Qualification for a trainee
C. Recruiting staff employees
D. The company looks for a trainee

43.  A trainee should have�.
A. Qualified in sales marketing
B. 3 years commercial experience
C. Experience in selling and marketing
D. Strong interest in the commercial world

44.  �The job involves selling and marketing.�
The underlined word means�..
A. includes                                                            
C. offers
B. covers                                                   

For questions 45 and 46 choose the best word to complete the paragraph !

Here are some � (45) on how to be a successful English learner. First, don�t be � (46) of making mistakes. Second, use every opportunity to practice your English. At last, be an optimistic person.

A.  tips
B.  clues
C.  plans
D.  rules

46.A.  afraid
B.  proud
C.  brave
D.  shy

47. Arrange the following jumble words to make a good sentence!

1. a phone call, 2. her, 3. there, 4. for, 5. was, 6. the geography teacher, 7. was teaching, 8. while 

A. 8 � 6 � 7 � 3 � 5 � 1 � 4 � 2
B. 8 � 2 � 7 � 6 � 5 � 4 � 3 � 1
C. 6 � 7 � 2 � 8 � 3 � 5 � 1 � 4
D. 3 � 5 � 1 � 4 � 6 � 8 � 2 � 7

48. Arrange the following jumble words to make a good sentence.
1. Not to use 2. with 3. for water 4. be careful 5. the pump 6. except 7. other 8. liquid

A. 5 � 4 � 1 � 7 � 2 � 3 � 6
B. 4 � 1 � 5 � 2 � 7 � 6 � 3
C. 7 � 4 � 6 � 5 � 2 �1 � 3
D. 4 � 1 � 7 � 2 � 5 � 3 � 6

49. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph
1. Nature�s recycling programme for water is called the water cycle.
2. Rain or snow eventually finds their way back to the ocean.
3. Water falls from the air as rain or snow.
4. Water goes from the ocean, lakes, and rivers into the air.
5. One of the things nature recycles is water.
6. Did you know that nature recycles too?
7. Maybe you recycle cans, glass, and paper.

A. 7-6-5-4-3-2-1
B. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
C. 5-6-3-4-7-1-2
D. 2-1-4-3-6-7-5

50. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph.
1. Jack had an accident a few days ago.
2. Jill went to the hospital too visit him.
3. He is still in the hospital now.
4. She is at the hospital now.
5. He had to go to hospital.
A. 1-4-3-5-2
B. 1-3-5-4-2
C. 1-2-3-4-5
D. 1-5-3-2-4

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