
Fictional Crush

Every gamer mesti ada fictional crush masing-masing. Walaupun saya bukan hardcore punya gamer, tapi dah macam-macam game juga saya main. Crysis Warhead, Grand Theft Auto, Warcraft, Counter Strike, Uprising, Claw, The Sims, Sim City, Twisted Metal, Resident Evil, bunch of Lego games etc etc etc. Ada satu sahaja genre game saya tak main... sukan. -_-

Okay, by the way... who is your fictional or game crush? My all time favorites... Kratos, alongside with Niko Bellic. This newest God of War is slay. With that beard, nice to see you Kratos. Really can't wait to play GOW 5. Tak tau bila nak keluar yang baru.

This new Kratos memang slay with that beard. (source)

This is a cosplay version. Cool. (source)

Actually Kratos tak pernah senyum. So someone so creative dan berjaya membuatkan beliau ni senyum nampaknya. Haha. Hideous anyway. (source)
Sedikit tambahan. This is Kratos punya anak, Atreus a.k.a Loki. This one is initial concept.... suppose to be botak juga like his father  but the final one, eventually Atreus got a nice haircut.

The final Atreus

And this is the voice actor for Atreus. Sunny Suljic. 
Memang muka dalam game tu ikut muka budak ni.
FYI - This is Niko Bellic from GTA IV.

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