
Not Worth For Forgiveness

Every Compulsive Liar is just jealous. This is one of them.

"It" was a friend of mine...

Yang dulu pun tak settle lagi, lepas tu datang kononnya nak minta maaf. How on Earth this Compulsive Liar fikir kita akan simply maafkan macam tu sahaja but keep doing all the things on and on? No... no... no. This is not right. Walaupun tak baik kalau tak maafkan orang tapi tengok keadaan la juga. This Compulsive Liar datang nak minta maaf tapi tak tau ikhlas ke tak sebab di belakang dia dok ceta buruk pasal kita. Dulu pun sama. Minta maaf buat muka kesian but then, Ooppss! "It" did it again. Punyalah kita baik kat dia tapi rupanya menipu tak sudah. Not worth to forgive.

What makes me become so petulant... dia  boleh kata saya ni macam begini begini, then my colleauges pula macam begitu begitu. Like... melaga-lagakan. Of course sakit hati bila dengar. Even worst.... dia boleh cakap buruk about my research paper. Well hellooo....! Kalau dia cakap begitu means dia mengata my supervisors juga la. Oh ya! Even dalam viva voce, I received many positive comments. Siap offer untuk sambung PhD. Kau hado? Like I said, Compulsive Liar is just jealous. Please don't forget siapa yang bantu buat problem statement and edit perkataan yang so call copy-and-paste.

Negative topic is my least favorite. So I don't want to explain more. Enough to know that it is not worth to forgive this kind of people because they just seek for benefits and never respect other people's trust.

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