
10/04/12 Wildfire Smoke Forecast 0800 PDT

10-04-12 Air Monitor Update 0800 PDT
Central Region Ecology Air Quality Report  
Chelan County:
Wenatchee- Unhealthy
Leavenworth-  Moderate
Chelan-Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
Okanogan County:
Omak - Moderate
Winthrop � Moderate
Twisp-   Moderate
Kittitas County:
Ellensburg- Moderate
Yakima County:
Yakima- Good
White Swan- Good
Toppenish- Good
Klickitat County:
Goldendale- Good

Eastern Region Ecology Air Quality Report
Blue Mt. Area
Clarkston  -  unhealthy for sensitive groups
Dayton  -  moderate
Walla Walla  -  good

Palouse Area
Pullman  -  good
Rosalia  -  good
LaCrosse  -  good
Colville  -  good
Wellpinit  -  good  
Central Washington Air Quality Report from Forest Service Temporary Monitor Locations
System interruptions, no report

Eastern cont., Ecology Air Quality Report
Columbia Basin
Kennewick  -  good
Mesa  - good 
Moses Lake  - good
Ritzville  - good 
Spokane Area
Spokane, - good
Liberty Lake - good

Another very useful webpage for a grab hourly and 24 hour data, Puget Sound Clean Air and their air quality tool:
10-04-12 Smoke Forecast 0800 PDT
Air Quality forecast, 6AM Wednesday 4 October 2012 Issued by Clint Bowman, Washington State Dept. of Ecology

Except for a few locations air quality remained good across eastern Washington through the night.  Wenatchee is currently in the unhealthy range; Omak and Clarkston have been high during the night but have dropped in the past few hours.
Winds have decreased in most locations and will be mostly light along the east slopes of the cascades allowing smoke to accumulate. Elsewhere in eastern Washington northerly winds in the Omak area will send smoke south into Quincy where easterly winds will direct it towards the Cascades.  Dispersion will be good each afternoon through Sunday but smoke will likely pool in the usual regions after dark leading to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups to Unhealthy air quality.
An apparent interruption of data in the Forest Service smoke monitors precludes computing the WAQA this morning.
Red flag warning for fire growth continues in the extreme southwest WA today. Fire warnings blanket all of western WA through Thursday night, due to dry air, above normal temperatures and windy conditions.

There continues to be a burn ban east of the Cascade crest.  The Governor's proclamation allows for local fire departments to issue written permits that approve specific burning activities.  Please work with your local fire jurisdiction and your Ecology burn team staff to get the needed written authorization for specific agricultural burns.  In some areas, air quality concerns or local fire danger may preclude burning during this extraordinary wildfire event.

Ecology Air Quality Monitoring Network Map:
  - when browsing the monitoring web page, click on the dots and you can then click on �View more information� to find out the latest hourly values (even if the dot is grey)


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